Lifestyle – Danielle Magazine Danielle Tue, 24 Jul 2018 01:38:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Raymond Ibrahim : “It Was Like a War against the Church”- Muslim Persecution of Christians /raymond-ibrahim-it-was-like-a-war-against-the-church-muslim-persecution-of-christians/ /raymond-ibrahim-it-was-like-a-war-against-the-church-muslim-persecution-of-christians/#respond Sun, 22 Jul 2018 13:31:55 +0000 /?p=15543


“It Was Like a War against the Church”

Muslim Persecution of Christians, December 2017

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It’s All Fake: Reality TV That Masquerades as American Politics /its-all-fake-reality-tv-that-masquerades-as-american-politics/ /its-all-fake-reality-tv-that-masquerades-as-american-politics/#respond Sun, 22 Jul 2018 02:34:44 +0000 /?p=15536

John Whitehead’s Commentary

It’s All Fake: Reality TV That Masquerades as American Politics

“Big Brother does not watch us, by his choice. We watch him, by ours…. When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby-talk, when, in short, a people become an audience, and their public business a vaudeville act, then a nation finds itself at risk; culture-death is a clear possibility.”— Professor Neil Postman

Americans have a voracious appetite for TV entertainment, and the Trump reality show—guest starring outraged Democrats, power-hungry Republicans, and a hodgepodge of other special interest groups with dubious motives—feeds that appetite for titillating, soap opera drama.

After all, who needs the insults, narcissism and power plays that are hallmarks of reality shows when you can have all that and more delivered up by the likes of Donald Trump and his cohorts?

Trump is inclined to denounce any news agencies and reports that paint him in a less than favorable light as “fake news,” which leaves only the Fox News channel to carry the president’s torch for media integrity.

Yet as John Lennon reminds us, “nothing is real,” especially not in the world of politics.

In other words, it’s all fake, i.e. manufactured, i.e. manipulated to distort reality.

Much like the fabricated universe in Peter Weir’s 1998 film The Truman Show, in which a man’s life is the basis for an elaborately staged television show aimed at selling products and procuring ratings, the political scene in the United States has devolved over the years into a carefully calibrated exercise in how to manipulate, polarize, propagandize and control a population.

Likewise, “The Trump Show” keeps the citizenry distracted, diverted and divided.

This is the magic of the reality TV programming that passes for politics today.

As long as we are distracted, entertained, occasionally outraged, always polarized but largely uninvolved and content to remain in the viewer’s seat, we’ll never manage to present a unified front against tyranny (or government corruption and ineptitude) in any form.

The more that is beamed at us, the more inclined we are to settle back in our comfy recliners and become passive viewers rather than active participants as unsettling, frightening events unfold.

Reality and fiction merge as everything around us becomes entertainment fodder.

We don’t even have to change the channel when the subject matter becomes too monotonous. That’s taken care of for us by the programmers (the corporate media).

“Living is easy with eyes closed,” says Lennon, and that’s exactly what reality TV that masquerades as American politics programs the citizenry to do: navigate the world with their eyes shut.

As long as we’re viewers, we’ll never be doers.

Studies suggest that the more reality TV people watch—and I would posit that it’s all reality TV, entertainment news included—the more difficult it becomes to distinguishbetween what is real and what is carefully crafted farce.

“We the people” are watching a lot of TV.

On average, Americans spend five hours a day watching television. By the time we reach age 65, we’re watching more than 50 hours of television a week, and that number increases as we get older. And reality TV programming consistently captures the largest percentage of TV watchers every season by an almost 2-1 ratio.

This doesn’t bode well for a citizenry able to sift through masterfully-produced propaganda in order to think critically about the issues of the day, whether it’s fake news peddled by government agencies or foreign entities.

Those who watch reality shows tend to view what they see as the “norm.” Thus, those who watch shows characterized by lying, aggression and meanness not only come to see such behavior as acceptable and entertaining but also mimic the medium.

This holds true whether the reality programming is about the antics of celebrities in the White House, in the board room, or in the bedroom.

It’s a phenomenon called “humilitainment.”

A term coined by media scholars Brad Waite and Sara Booker, “humilitainment” refers to the tendency for viewers to take pleasure in someone else’s humiliation, suffering and pain.

“Humilitainment” largely explains not only why American TV watchers are so fixated on reality TV programming but how American citizens, largely insulated from what is really happening in the world around them by layers of technology, entertainment, and other distractions, are being programmed to accept the brutality, surveillance and dehumanizing treatment of the American police state as things happening to other people.

The ramifications for the future of civic engagement, political discourse and self-government are incredibly depressing and demoralizing.

This not only explains how a candidate like Donald Trump with a reputation for being rude, egotistical and narcissistic could get elected, but it also says a lot about how a politician like Barack Obama—whose tenure in the White House was characterized by drone killings, a weakening of the Constitution at the expense of Americans’ civil liberties, and an expansion of the police state—could be hailed as “one of the greatest presidents of all times.”

This is what happens when an entire nation—bombarded by reality TV programming, government propaganda and entertainment news—becomes systematically desensitized and acclimated to the trappings of a government that operates by fiat and speaks in a language of force.

Ultimately, the reality shows, the entertainment news, the surveillance society, the militarized police, and the political spectacles have one common objective: to keep us divided, distracted, imprisoned, and incapable of taking an active role in the business of self-government.

Look behind the political spectacles, the reality TV theatrics, the sleight-of-hand distractions and diversions, and the stomach-churning, nail-biting drama, and you will find there is a method to the madness.

We have become guinea pigs in a ruthlessly calculated, carefully orchestrated, chillingly cold-blooded experiment in how to control a population and advance a political agenda without much opposition from the citizenry.

This is mind-control in its most sinister form.

How do you change the way people think? You start by changing the words they use.

In totalitarian regimes—a.k.a. police states—where conformity and compliance are enforced at the end of a loaded gun, the government dictates what words can and cannot be used.

In countries where the police state hides behind a benevolent mask and disguises itself as tolerance, the citizens censor themselves, policing their words and thoughts to conform to the dictates of the mass mind.

Even when the motives behind this rigidly calibrated reorientation of societal language appear well-intentioned—discouraging racism, condemning violence, denouncing discrimination and hatred—inevitably, the end result is the same: intolerance, indoctrination, infantilism, the chilling of free speech and the demonizing of viewpoints that run counter to the cultural elite.

Donald Trump is no exception to this Orwellian manipulation of language for dubious ends: labelling something as “fake news” is a masterful way of dismissing truth that may run counter to the ruling power’s own narrative.

As George Orwell recognized, “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

Orwell understood only too well the power of language to manipulate the masses. In Orwell’s 1984, Big Brother does away with all undesirable and unnecessary words and meanings, even going so far as to routinely rewrite history and punish “thoughtcrimes.” In this dystopian vision of the future, the Thought Police serve as the eyes and ears of Big Brother, while the Ministry of Peace deals with war and defense, the Ministry of Plenty deals with economic affairs (rationing and starvation), the Ministry of Love deals with law and order (torture and brainwashing), and the Ministry of Truth deals with news, entertainment, education and art (propaganda). The mottos of Oceania: WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, and IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.

Orwell’s Big Brother relied on Newspeak to eliminate undesirable words, strip such words as remained of unorthodox meanings and make independent, non-government-approved thought altogether unnecessary.

Where we stand now is at the juncture of Oldspeak (where words have meanings, and ideas can be dangerous) and Newspeak (where only that which is “safe” and “accepted” by the majority is permitted).

Truth is often lost when we fail to distinguish between opinion and fact, and that is the danger we now face as a society. Anyone who relies exclusively on television/cable news hosts and political commentators for actual knowledge of the world is making a serious mistake.

Unfortunately, since Americans have by and large become non-readers, television has become their prime source of so-called “news.” This reliance on TV news has given rise to such popular news personalities who draw in vast audiences that virtually hang on their every word.

In our media age, these are the new powers-that-be.

Yet while these personalities often dispense the news like preachers used to dispense religion, with power and certainty, they are little more than conduits for propaganda and advertisements delivered in the guise of entertainment and news.

Given the preponderance of news-as-entertainment programming, it’s no wonder that viewers have largely lost the ability to think critically and analytically and differentiate between truth and propaganda, especially when delivered by way of fake news criers and politicians.

While television news cannot—and should not—be completely avoided, the following suggestions will help you better understand the nature of TV news.

1. TV news is not what happened. Rather, it is what someone thinks is worth reporting. Although there are still some good TV journalists, the old art of investigative reporting has largely been lost. While viewers are often inclined to take what is reported by television “news” hosts at face value, it is your responsibility to judge and analyze what is reported.

2. TV news is entertainment. There is a reason why the programs you watch are called news “shows.” It’s a signal that the so-called news is being delivered as a form of entertainment. “In the case of most news shows,” write Neil Postman and Steve Powers in their insightful book, How to Watch TV News (1992), “the package includes attractive anchors, an exciting musical theme, comic relief, stories placed to hold the audience, the creation of the illusion of intimacy, and so on.”

Of course, the point of all this glitz and glamour is to keep you glued to the set so that a product can be sold to you. (Even the TV news hosts get in on the action by peddling their own products, everything from their latest books to mugs and bathrobes.) Although the news items spoon-fed to you may have some value, they are primarily a commodity to gather an audience, which will in turn be sold to advertisers.

3. Never underestimate the power of commercials, especially to news audiences. In an average household, the television set is on over seven hours a day. Most people, believing themselves to be in control of their media consumption, are not really bothered by this. But TV is a two-way attack: it not only delivers programming to your home, it also delivers you (the consumer) to a sponsor.

People who watch the news tend to be more attentive, educated and have more money to spend. They are, thus, a prime market for advertisers. And sponsors spend millions on well-produced commercials. Such commercials are often longer in length than most news stories and cost more to produce than the news stories themselves. Moreover, the content of many commercials, which often contradicts the messages of the news stories, cannot be ignored. Most commercials are aimed at prurient interests in advocating sex, overindulgence, drugs, etc., which has a demoralizing effect on viewers, especially children.

4. It is vitally important to learn about the economic and political interests of those who own the “corporate” media. There are few independent news sources anymore. The major news outlets are owned by corporate empires. Moreover, even those “fake” news outlets denounced by Trump are enjoying significant sales and ratings boosts as a result of Trump’s so-called war on the media. Indeed, as one trade journal reports, “Trump, of course, has become the greatest source of lead generation the American press has ever seen.” In other words, to a dying news industry, the Trump presidency has been great for business.

5. Pay special attention to the language of newscasts. Because film footage and other visual imagery are so engaging on TV news shows, viewers are apt to allow language—what the reporter is saying about the images—to go unexamined. A TV news host’s language frames the pictures, and, therefore, the meaning we derive from the picture is often determined by the host’s commentary. TV by its very nature manipulates viewers. One must never forget that every television minute has been edited. The viewer does not see the actual event but the edited form of the event. For example, presenting a one- to two-minute segment from a two-hour political speech and having a TV talk show host critique may be disingenuous, but such edited footage is a regular staple on news shows. Add to that the fact that the reporters editing the film have a subjective view—sometimes determined by their corporate bosses—that enters in.

6. Reduce by at least one-half the amount of TV news you watch. TV news generally consists of “bad” news—wars, torture, murders, scandals and so forth. It cannot possibly do you any harm to excuse yourself each week from much of the mayhem projected at you on the news. Do not form your concept of reality based on television. TV news, it must be remembered, does not reflect normal everyday life. Studies indicate that a heavy viewing of TV news makes people think the world is much more dangerous than it actually is.

7. One of the reasons many people are addicted to watching TV news is that they feel they must have an opinion on almost everything, which gives the illusion of participation in American life. But an “opinion” is all that we can gain from TV news because it only presents the most rudimentary and fragmented information on anything. Thus, on most issues we don’t really know much about what is actually going on. And, of course, we are expected to take what the TV news host says on an issue as gospel truth. But isn’t it better to think for yourself? Add to this that we need to realize that we often don’t have enough information from the “news” source to form a true opinion. How can that be done? Study a broad variety of sources, carefully analyze issues in order to be better informed, and question everything.

The bottom line is simply this: Americans should beware of letting others—whether they be television news hosts, political commentators or media corporations—do their thinking for them.

As I make clear in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, a populace that cannot think for themselves is a populace with its backs to the walls: mute in the face of elected officials who refuse to represent us, helpless in the face of police brutality, powerless in the face of militarized tactics and technology that treat us like enemy combatants on a battlefield, and naked in the face of government surveillance that sees and hears all.

It’s time to change the channel, tune out the reality TV show, and push back against the real menace of the police state. If not, if we continue to sit back and lose ourselves in political programming, we will remain a captive audience to a farce that grows more absurd by the minute.

WC: 2583


Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His new book Battlefield America: The War on the American People  (SelectBooks, 2015) is available online at Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Publication Guidelines / Reprint Permission

John W. Whitehead’s weekly commentaries are available for publication to newspapers and web publications at no charge. Please contact [email protected] to obtain reprint permission.

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Angela Civitella : Preparing for success: a look at self-confidence /angela-civitella-preparing-for-success-a-look-at-self-confidence/ /angela-civitella-preparing-for-success-a-look-at-self-confidence/#respond Sat, 21 Jul 2018 19:39:55 +0000 /?p=15531



From the quietly confident doctor whose advice we rely on, to the charismatic confidence of an inspiring speaker, self-confident people have qualities that everyone admires.

Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. Sadly, this can be a vicious circle: people who lack self-confidence can find it difficult to become successful. After all, most people are reluctant to back a project that’s being pitched by someone who was nervous, fumbling, and overly apologetic.

On the other hand, you might be persuaded by someone who speaks clearly, holds his or her head high, answers questions assuredly, and readily admits when he or she does not know something. Confident people inspire confidence in others: their audience, their peers, their bosses, their customers, and their friends. And gaining the confidence of others is one of the key ways in which a self-confident person finds success.

The good news is that self-confidence really can be learned and built on. And, whether you’re working on your own confidence or building the confidence of people around you, it’s well worth the effort!

Your level of self-confidence can show in many ways: your behaviour, your body language, how you speak, what you say, and so on.



Your level of self-confidence can show in many ways: your behaviour, your body language, how you speak, what you say, and so on. Look at the following comparisons of common confident behaviour with behaviour associated with low self-confidence. Which thoughts or actions do you recognize in yourself and people around you?

Behavior associated
with common self-confidence
Behavior associated
with low self-confidence
Doing what you believe to be right, even if others mock or criticize you for it. Governing your behavior based on what other people think.
Being willing to take risks and go the extra mile to achieve better things. Staying in your comfort zone, fearing failure, and so avoid taking risks.
Recognizing your mistakes, learning from them and understanding how to avoid them in the future. Working hard to cover up mistakes and hoping that you can fix the problem before anyone notices.
Waiting for others to congratulate you on your accomplishments. Extolling your own virtues as often as possible to as many people as possible.
Accepting compliments graciously. “Thanks, I really worked hard on this and I’m pleased you recognize my efforts.” Dismissing compliments offhandedly. “Oh that was nothing really, anyone could have done it.”


Two main things contribute to self-confidence: self-efficacy and self-esteem.

We gain a sense of self-efficacy when we see ourselves (and others similar to ourselves) mastering skills and achieving goals that matter in those skill areas. This is the confidence that, if we learn and work hard in a particular area, we’ll succeed; and it’s this type of confidence that leads people to accept difficult challenges and persist in the face of setbacks.

This overlaps with the idea of self-esteem, which is a more general sense that we can cope with what’s going on in our lives, and that we have a right to be happy. Partly, this comes from a feeling that the people around us approve of us, which we may or may not be able to control. However, it also comes from the sense that we are behaving virtuously, that we’re competent at what we do, and that we can compete successfully when we put our minds to it.

‘Without this underlying competence, you don’t have self-confidence: you have shallow over-confidence, with all of the issues, upset and failure that this brings.’

Some people believe that self-confidence can be built with affirmations and positive thinking. There is some truth in this, but it’s just as important to build self-confidence by setting and achieving goals – thereby building competence. Without this underlying competence, you don’t have self-confidence: you have shallow over-confidence, with all of the issues, upset and failure that this brings.


So how do you build this sense of balanced self-confidence, founded on a firm appreciation of reality?

The bad news is that there’s no quick fix, or five-minute solution.

The good news is that becoming more confident is readily achievable, just as long as you have the focus and determination to carry things through. And what’s even better is that the things you’ll do to build your self-confidence will also build success – after all, your confidence will come from real, solid achievement. No one can take this away from you!

So here are our three steps to self-confidence, for which we’ll use the metaphor of a journey: preparing for your journey; setting out; and accelerating towards success.



The first step involves getting yourself ready for your journey to self-confidence. You need to take stock of where you are, think about where you want to go, get yourself in the right mindset for your journey, and commit yourself to starting it and staying with it.

In preparing for your journey, do these five things:

Look at what you’ve already achieved
Think about your life so far and list the ten best things you’ve achieved in an “Achievement Log”. Perhaps you came top in an important test or exam, played a key role in an important team, produced the best sales figures in a period, did something that made a key difference in someone else’s life, or delivered a project that meant a lot for your business.

Put these into a smartly formatted document, which you can look at often. And then spend a few minutes each week enjoying the success you’ve already had!

Think about your strengths
Next, take a look at who and where you are. Looking at your Achievement Log, and reflecting on your recent life, think about what your friends would consider to be your strengths and weaknesses. From these, think about the opportunities and threats you face.

Make sure that you enjoy a few minutes reflecting on your strengths!

‘Set goals that exploit your strengths, minimize your weaknesses, realize your opportunities, and control the threats you face.’

Think about what’s important to you, and where you want to go
Next, think about the things that are really important to you, and what you want to achieve with your life.

Setting and achieving goals is a key part of this, and real confidence comes from this. Goal setting is the process you use to set yourself targets and measure your successful hitting of those targets.

Set goals that exploit your strengths, minimize your weaknesses, realize your opportunities, and control the threats you face.

And having set the major goals in your life, identify the first step in each. Make sure it’s a very small step, perhaps taking no more than an hour to complete!

Start managing your mind
At this stage, you need to start managing your mind. Learn to pick up and defeat the negative self-talk that can destroy your confidence.

And then commit yourself to success!
The final part of preparing for the journey is to make a clear and unequivocal promise to yourself that you are absolutely committed to your journey, and that you will do all in your power to achieve it.

If as you’re doing it, you find doubts starting to surface, write them down and challenge them calmly and rationally. If they dissolve under scrutiny, that’s great. However, if they are based on genuine risks, make sure you set additional goals to manage these appropriately.

Either way, make that promise!


Self-confidence is about balance. At one extreme, we have people with low self-confidence. At the other end, we have people who may be over-confident.

If you are under-confident, you’ll avoid taking risks and stretching yourself; and you might not try at all. And if you’re over-confident, you may take on too much risk, stretch yourself beyond your capabilities, and crash badly. You may also find that you’re so optimistic that you don’t try hard enough to truly succeed.

‘Self-confidence is about balance. At one extreme, we have people with low self-confidence. At the other end, we have people who may be over-confident.’

Getting this right is a matter of having the right amount of confidence, founded in reality and on your true ability. With the right amount of self-confidence, you will take informed risks, stretch yourself (but not beyond your abilities) and try hard.

So how self-confident are you? Start looking at specific strategies to improve your confidence level.


This is where you start, ever so slowly, moving towards your goal. By doing the right things, and starting with small, easy wins, you’ll put yourself on the path to success – and start building the self-confidence that comes with this.

Build the knowledge you need to succeed
Looking at your goals, identify the skills you’ll need to achieve them. And then look at how you can acquire these skills confidently and well. Don’t just accept a sketchy, just-good-enough solution – look for a solution, a program or a course that fully equips you to achieve what you want to achieve and, ideally, gives you a certificate or qualification you can be proud of.

Focus on the basics
When you’re starting, don’t try to do anything clever or elaborate. And don’t reach for perfection – just enjoy doing simple things successfully and well.

Set small goals, and achieve them
Starting with the very small goals you identified in step 1, get in the habit of setting them, achieving them, and celebrating that achievement. Don’t make goals particularly challenging at this stage, just get into the habit of achieving them and celebrating them. And, little by little, start piling up the successes!

Keep managing your mind
Stay on top of that positive thinking, keep celebrating and enjoying success, and keep those mental images strong.

And on the other side, learn to handle failure. Accept that mistakes happen when you’re trying something new. In fact, if you get into the habit of treating mistakes as learning experiences, you can (almost) start to see them in a positive light. After all, there’s a lot to be said for the saying “if it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger!”


By this stage, you’ll feel your self-confidence building. You’ll have completed some of the courses you started in step 2, and you’ll have plenty of success to celebrate!

This is the time to start stretching yourself. Make the goals a bit bigger, and the challenges a bit tougher. Increase the size of your commitment. And extend the skills you’ve proven into new, but closely related arenas.

‘… goal setting is arguably the most important skill you can learn to improve your self-confidence.’

As long as you keep on stretching yourself enough, but not too much, you’ll find your self-confidence building a pace. What’s more, you’ll have earned your self-confidence – because you’ll have put in the hard graft necessary to be successful!

Remember, goal setting is arguably the most important skill you can learn to improve your self-confidence.


Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, and people who lack it can find it difficult to become successful.

Two main things contribute to self-confidence: self-efficacy and self-esteem. You can develop it with these three steps:

  • Prepare for your journey
  • Set out on your journey
  • Accelerate towards success

Here’s to becoming your best self!

Image: Snappier

Read also: How to recruit the ideal job candidate

Angela Civitella, a certified management business coach with more than 20 years of proven ability as a negotiator, strategist, and problem-solver, creates sound and solid synergies with those in quest of improving their leadership and team building skills. You can reach Angela at 514 254-2400 • •• @intinde

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Burt Steingraeber : Beginner In Social Media Marketing? These Pro Tips Are For You! /15520-2/ /15520-2/#respond Sat, 21 Jul 2018 19:05:21 +0000 /?p=15520


Beginner In Social Media Marketing? These Pro Tips Are For You!

It can be difficult for small business owners to market their company on a budget. Social media marketing is a very viable tool for any business owner looking to expand upon their customer base and boost their bottom line. SMM has paved a newer, cheaper, and entertaining method for attracting traffic and returning customers. The information in this article will help you learn how to implement social media marketing in your advertising.

TIP! Think about exchanging posts on your site with a fellow blogger whose specialty is similar to yours. Both tactics will increase your traffic.

Update your blog often with fresh content. You see, people who use social sites are always looking for fresh and exciting content. If they can get it with you, they may be inclined to stick with you. You can see this in magazine and newspaper subscriptions. Ensure that you are constantly asking people to return to your profile.

Regardless of what you are writing for, make sure your titles are captivating and irresistible enough to get people to click through. If your headlines lure readers in, chances are they will go wherever they are directed.

TIP! To share updates from popular Twitter users or tag another user in a post, include an “@” symbol just before their user name. These people will get a notification and will probably re-tweet your post or answer to what you said.

Make sure any blog you keep is up to date, and contains useful and relevant information. Post any sale or promotion you may be having to your blog. Important news such as a change in hours, a new location or a special closing should be posted. – add them to your site too.

Always ensure that you add new content regularly. People who use social networks expect frequent updates. If you fail to provide them, your reputation can suffer and you may lose customers. Try to provide updates a few times a week.

TIP! Your top competitors can be an excellent source of information. Look at their profiles and keep track of what they share.

Without being too intrusive, have regular interaction with your clientele. Leave them comments on their Facebook status or blog post if you feel that this is appropriate. Do not interfere in a personal discussion; you should contact someone only if they are talking about an issue related to your products or industry.

Gain exposure by promoting your business through games on Facebook. Design a unique game that is related to your company’s products and services. Some popular brands have been extremely successful with Facebook’s games, which turned into viral phenomenons. If you choose to go this route, spend the extra cash to have a professional team design and program the game.

TIP! Hosting a question/answer session online is a fantastic way to gain more interest in your services and products through social media. This is a great way for potential customers to find you and learn more about what you offer, and your whole business as well.

Respond to customer feedback and answer questions in a timely, professional and friendly manner. Check these sites often to see if there are any concerns you need to address. You can change settings to get your notifications in your regular email box. Keep in mind that anything you post becomes public knowledge.

Select good titles when posting content on Youtube or any other social sites. These titles must contain integral keywords if you want to have the most traffic possible. If you make useful videos that easily appear when people use keywords, your views will increase.

TIP! Make use of company branding on social media sites. Keep your logo as a avatar or perhaps use it to decorate the background, but make sure it is always visible.

Only buy online ads that offer you good visibility. When your ads are in bad places, then it makes it hard for you to get any attention from people, which can hurt your possibility of customers or followers.

With SMM, you should not spend any time worrying about if you will be broke. You can concentrate on creating pictures and high-quality videos, and sharing them with your target market. With all of these places online you should not have a hard time finding followers and become a good business.


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Ontario Superior Court of Justice : Carole Condo-Tolgoni vs. Claude Turpin- Allegations of sexual rape against 12 year old girl lasting 6 years /ontario-superior-court-of-justice-carole-condo-tolgoni-vs-claude-turpin-allegations-of-sexual-rape-against-12-year-old-girl-lasting-6-years/ /ontario-superior-court-of-justice-carole-condo-tolgoni-vs-claude-turpin-allegations-of-sexual-rape-against-12-year-old-girl-lasting-6-years/#respond Fri, 20 Jul 2018 23:50:39 +0000 /?p=15500 PrisonPlanet








When Claude Turpin was getting rich with his plumbing business at Turpin plumbing which later on became All-Star plumbing, little did people know to what extent his riches had become.  After becoming a millionaire, Claude Turpin started lending his money at exorbitant rates, nearing the ridiculous sums of interest payments, essentially becoming a loan shark.  Oftentimes going to the plush condominium in Florida which Claude Turpin had acquired throughout his illustrious years in paradise, making it all seem wonderful in paradise, or was it.

Claude Turpin / Picture/ LinkedIn

Eventually Claude Turpin decided to retire after having secured his retirement funds and then started to relax with a home by the Blair Rd Country Golf Course in Ottawa, Ontario. And all seemed to be going well until according to court documents. Richard Condo, now Pasteur Richard Paul, threatened to sue Claude Turpin for a “refusal to loan”  him money, on a movie he was attempting to produce in 2008. ??? Which according to the statement of defence by Claude Turpin, Carole Condo Tolgoni initiated a lawsuit nearing $3million dollars some 6 years later, which lawsuit was initiated by Carole Condo-Tolgoni, the sister of Richard Paul Condo, for “General damages for sexual assault, battery, pain and suffering, intentional infliction of mental suffering, and breach of fiduciary duty ..” Essentially it is suggested that Richard Paul Condo and Carole Condo conspired to extract money from Claude Turpin?? ( Oh Boy) How far we go at times. ( Why wait to make the claim when we , my sister and I, were not even talking at that time??)


According to the statement of Claim: ” Turpin began sexually abusing Carole in or around 1977 when she was 12 years old and continued until she left her mother’s home at or around the age of 18 or 19. The frequency of the incidents of sexual abuse over the six (6) year tenure of abuse suffered by Carol was a combination of regular intervals, intermittent and sporadic.”  The extent of the abuse is listed in the claim as “unwanted kissing, unwanted fondling, forcing to perform fellatio on Turpin, penal-vaginal/intercourse.” : As Carol’s uncle and godfather, Turpin was in a position of trust and, prior to the sexual abuse, he was a person Carol looked up to as a father figure.” The claim continues  that “he breached his duty when he inflicted pain and suffering, mental suffering, humiliation and degradation upon carol, assaulted carol and interfered with her normal upbringing and adolescence solely for the purpose of his own gratification”.


Now as to how Pasteur Richard Paul gets involved into this story becomes somewhat blurry since according to Richard P. Condo he was not aware of this until recently. Which leaves us wondering what is up with Claude Turpin. And why the Defendant would go to such length to deny what has apparently been known in the family for over 40 years now. Richard P. Condo would have used section 271 of the criminal code (sexual assault) to make sure justice is properly served -This is an historical sexual assault case.  Or  the historical charge of rape contrary to s. 143 of the Criminal Code which was in force at the time of the alleged incidents.  The historical charge of sexual intercourse with a female person under the age of 14 contrary to s. 146(1) of the Criminal Code at the time.

The mother of Carole, herself a victim of incessant sexual and physical abuse by her father and Carol’s sister, Rachel,  also a victim of abuse by another uncle and Carol’s mother’s husband, is beyond the pale! Which then becomes more weird as the mother’s husband is set to be remembered tomorrow Saturday July 21, 2018 in a place where the Christian Brethren’s and sisters gather, to honor him in peace!~ The Assembly of Brethrens,185, avenue Gatineau  Gatineau, Québec J8T 4J7 ( Darby’s) and when the mother asked her son to say a word to remember him,  the Christian Brethren in charge of this event took issue with Pasteur Paul, saying a word or two, since they are afraid of what may be said, thus the censor was required. More hypocrisy in church these days!


And so it is that finally after all these years the alleged sexual abuse is coming to light, which may explain all this very dysfunctional life with which the 4 children endured all these years. Richard Condo went on to become a violent psychopath imprisoned for 25 years. Rachel died at a young age, drug overdose, ( after being herself sexually and physically abused by an uncle and husband of Carole’s mother ( our step dad) , so did the brother Pierre , motorcycle crash, at a young age while Carol is suffering untold issues that will remain with he all her life.


Trial is set to begin March 19, 2019 before a jury for 3 to 4 weeks.  Representing Carol Condo is Peter Cronyn, partner with Nelligan O’Brien Payne LLP. 

Representing Claude Turpin isChristine Lacasse 



Danielle Magazine


rick Take-2-300x271

Pasteur Richard Paul Condo


/ontario-superior-court-of-justice-carole-condo-tolgoni-vs-claude-turpin-allegations-of-sexual-rape-against-12-year-old-girl-lasting-6-years/feed/ 0
Ottawa Highway 417 Injured moose on Queensway was shot /ottawa-highway-417-injured-moose-on-queensway-was-shot/ /ottawa-highway-417-injured-moose-on-queensway-was-shot/#respond Thu, 19 Jul 2018 19:24:20 +0000 /?p=15474







The Ministry of Natural Resources confirmed that its officers shot a young moose that wandered onto Highway 417 in the middle of the Thursday morning commute.

Jolanta Kowalski, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry said officials consulted a veterinarian and, given the extent of the animal’s injuries, a decision was made to euthanize it.

Kowalski said officials could not ensure that the animal wouldn’t try to take off on what appeared to be a broken leg if they shot it was a tranquilizer dart.

The threat of a large injured animal running through a heavily trafficked area, coupled with its injuries, warranted euthanizing the animal, she said.

The male animal was spotted at about 6:30 a.m. on the shoulder of the eastbound lanes.

The moose was surrounded by police and provincial vehicles to shelter it, severely affecting the morning commute.

Natural resources officers arrived at the scene shortly before 8:30 a.m.

The Queensway was closed about 15 minutes later, as they apparently prepared to remove the animal.

The animal was shot at about 9:20 a.m. Traffic in both directions on Highway 417 reopened by about 9:40 a.m.


TRAFFIC HAZARD: EB b/t Holly Acres and Greenbank – 2 lanes closed. Emergency services attending. ^jt


UPDATE ROAD CLOSURE: is CLOSED WB at Pinecrest and EB at Richmond – Emergency services remain on scene. ^jt

Westbound traffic was reopened about 15 minutes later.

Motorists began flooding Twitter and other media with spottings at about 6:30 a.m.

The animal appeared to have an injury on one of its front hooves.

Ottawa Police@OttawaPolice

Take an alternate route this morning as emergency responders assist @ONresources with the moose on the #417 East at Pinecrest.

By about 7 a.m., the moose was tracked down and surrounded by OPP squad cars and provincial transport and natural resources vehicles between Bayshore and the Pinecrest exit.



CBC Ottawa Traffic@cbcotttraffic …


There’s the little beastie now

Traffic delays continued all morning.

/ottawa-highway-417-injured-moose-on-queensway-was-shot/feed/ 0
Quebec police say a Gatineau woman wanted for kidnapping her three children could be in Ontario. /quebec-police-say-a-gatineau-woman-wanted-for-kidnapping-her-three-children-could-be-in-ontario/ /quebec-police-say-a-gatineau-woman-wanted-for-kidnapping-her-three-children-could-be-in-ontario/#respond Wed, 18 Jul 2018 19:07:08 +0000 /?p=15467


Gatineau woman wanted for kidnapping her children may be in Ontario, police say

Yanna Mavraganis, 42, is the subject of an arrest warrant requested by the Sûreté du Québec, following the alleged abduction of her three children in April.


Quebec police say a Gatineau woman wanted for kidnapping her three children could be in Ontario.

Yanna Mavraganis, 42, is accused of kidnapping Maximos Finley-Mavriganis, 8, Maya Finley-Mavraganis, 8, and Marina Finley-Mavraganis, 5, in April.

The missing children are, left to right, Maximos Finley-Mavraganis, 8, Maya Finley-Mavraganis, 8, and Marina Finley-Mavraganis, 5.

Police said in a media release on Tuesday that they believed she could be in Ontario and may be staying at a shelter.

“They are probably in Ontario,” a spokesman for the Súreté de Québec said. The SQ took over the investigation from Gatineau police on June 20.

Police also said the children, when found, would be returned to their father, in accordance with custody orders.


In the media release, police said Mavraganis could be driving a dark blue Toyota Matrix with the licence plate G32 JME.

The investigation continues.







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This Week’s Flyers

TORONTO, ONTARIO: OCTOBER 14, 2015--PLAYOFFS--Toronto Blue Jay Kevin Pillar makes a diving catch in the fourth inning agsint Texas Rangers player Elvis Andrus in game five of the ALDS MLB playoff series at Toronto's Rogers Centre, Wednesday October 14, 2015.  (Tyler Anderson/National Post) [For Sports story by John Lott, Eric Koreen and Scott Stinson/Sports]  //NATIONAL POST STAFF PHOTO ORG XMIT: POS1510141654520755

TORONTO, ONTARIO: OCTOBER 14, 2015–PLAYOFFS–Toronto Blue Jay Kevin Pillar makes a diving catch in the fourth inning agsint Texas Rangers player Elvis Andrus in game five of the ALDS MLB playoff series at Toronto’s Rogers Centre, Wednesday October 14, 2015. (Tyler Anderson/National Post) [For Sports story by John Lott, Eric Koreen and Scott Stinson/Sports] //NATIONAL POST STAFF PHOTO ORG XMIT: POS1510141654520755

/quebec-police-say-a-gatineau-woman-wanted-for-kidnapping-her-three-children-could-be-in-ontario/feed/ 0
Scarlett Johansson ne jouera finalement pas le criminel transgenre Dante “Tex” Gill /scarlett-johansson-ne-jouera-finalement-pas-le-criminel-transgenre-dante-tex-gill/ /scarlett-johansson-ne-jouera-finalement-pas-le-criminel-transgenre-dante-tex-gill/#respond Mon, 16 Jul 2018 10:40:49 +0000 /?p=15427 westjet-logo

download (9)

Scarlett Johansson ne jouera finalement pas le rôle du criminel transgenre Dante “Tex” Gill. Après avoir créé la polémique, l’actrice a préféré se retirer du projet !

Scarlett Johansson avait décroché le rôle de Dante “Tex” Gill, l’une des grandes figures de la criminalité américaine dans les années 1970 et 1980, dans le film Rub & Tug de Rupert Sanders. Né Lois Jean Gill, il s’identifiait comme étant un homme. Cependant, le choix de l’actrice a très vite suscité la polémique carbeaucoup jugeaient que le rôle aurait dû être réservé à un homme transgenre plutôt qu’à une femme cisgenre.

Lors de sa première déclaration, l’actrice s’était plutôt montrée sur la défensive. “Dites-leur de se tourner vers les représentants de Jeffrey Tambor, Jared Leto et Felicity Huffman pour obtenir leurs commentaires.“, avait-elle affirmé à Bustle. Les trois acteurs cités par la star sont célèbres pour avoir interprété des personnages transgenres.


Scarlett Johansson est revenue sur sa décision et dans une nouvelle déclaration, elle a annoncé qu’elle se retirait du projet. Elle a avoué avoir compris l’indélicatesse de ses propos. “À la lumière des récentes questions éthiques concernant le personnage de Dante ‘Tex’ Gill que je devais interpréter, j’ai décidé de renoncer respectueusement à ma contribution à ce projet. Notre compréhension culturelle des transgenres continue à évoluer et j’ai beaucoup appris de cette communauté depuis ma première déclaration au sujet de mon casting et je me suis rendu compte qu’elle était insensible.”, a-t-elle confié lors d’une interview accordée au magazine Out.

L’actrice pense effectivement que chaque communauté devrait être représentée dans le monde du cinéma. “Selon GLAAD, les personnages LGBTQ + ont chuté de 40% en 2017 par rapport à l’année précédente, sans aucune représentation de personnages trans dans les grands studios. Alors que j’aurais aimé avoir l’opportunité de faire vivre l’histoire et la transition de Dante, je comprends pourquoi beaucoup pensent qu’il devrait être interprété par une personne transgenre et je suis reconnaissante que ce débat de casting, bien que controversé, ait suscité une conversation plus large sur la diversité et la représentation dans les films. Je crois que tous les artistes devraient être considérés de manière égale et équitable. Ma société de production, These Pictures, poursuit activement des projets qui à la fois divertissent et repoussent les limites. Nous sommes impatients de travailler avec chaque communauté pour apporter ces histoires les plus poignantes et les plus importantes au public international.“, a-t-elle conclu.

Des membres de la communauté trans ont apprécié le message de l’actrice et l’ont saluée sur les réseaux sociaux. “Merci Scarlett Johansson d’avoir renoncé à Rub and Tug… Maintenant, le vrai travail commence.“, a notamment écrit Ashlee Marie Preston, une célèbre militante transgenre. Pour l’instant, on ne connaît pas les répercussions qu’aura la décision de Scarlett Johansson sur la production du film de Rupert Sanders. Il est fort possible que le rôle de Dante “Tex” Gill soit recasté et attribué à un homme transgenre.

A lire aussi : Scarlett Johansson pointe du doigt l’hypocrisie de James Franco, accusé de harcèlement sexuel

Pour suivre l’actu, abonnez-vous à la newsletter buzz

par Sarah Chekroun

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P1 GT by high-end tuner makes Goodwood debut /p1-gt-by-high-end-tuner-makes-goodwood-debut/ /p1-gt-by-high-end-tuner-makes-goodwood-debut/#respond Sat, 14 Jul 2018 18:34:14 +0000 /?p=15402

Longtailed McLaren P1 GT by high-end tuner makes Goodwood debut

One-off car commissioned by Middle East customer could expand into trio of super-performance machines

Lanzante, a British racing specialist, took the cover off of its special-edition P1 GT at the Goodwood Festival of Speed mid-July, a longtailed hypercar throwing back to the trio of F1 GT homologation cars McLaren itself built back in 1997.

The characteristic extension to the rear mimics that worn by those F1s 20 years ago, as does the paint, a match for the retro Silverstone Green the F1 GT prototype wore.

The car, commissioned by a customer in the Middle East, is expected to expand performance-wise on the P1 LM that the company promised last year it’d build six of.

Those cars were based on the 986-horsepower McLaren P1 GTR but significantly lightened via cheats like plastic windows and upgraded exhausts; they boasted 40-percent more downforce, a curb weight some 60 kg lower, and broke records for street-legal cars at the Nurburgring and at the Goodwood hill climb.

While it’s only announced the one car so far, the rumour is Lanzante could be convinced to build two more to match the three-unit production run of the 1997 McLaren F1 GT.

/p1-gt-by-high-end-tuner-makes-goodwood-debut/feed/ 0
Paul’s Vision and His Thorn : I must go on boasting. Although there is nothing to be gained, I will go on to visions and revelations from the Lord. /pauls-vision-and-his-thorn-i-must-go-on-boasting-although-there-is-nothing-to-be-gained-i-will-go-on-to-visions-and-revelations-from-the-lord/ /pauls-vision-and-his-thorn-i-must-go-on-boasting-although-there-is-nothing-to-be-gained-i-will-go-on-to-visions-and-revelations-from-the-lord/#respond Thu, 24 May 2018 14:49:20 +0000 /?p=14713

Pasteur Paul SOS Vanier,  Bobby’s Table, May, 2018


Monster Rick 1

Rabbi Pasteur Paul/ Canada,Thursday  May 24th , 2018, 10:00AM EDT

Paul Ranks as the Foremost, yet, because of this, a Thorn was given to him…because of the exceeding revelation

2 Corinthians 12 New International Version (NIV)

Paul’s Vision and His Thorn

12 I must go on boasting. Although there is nothing to be gained, I will go on to visions and revelations from the Lord. I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God knows. And I know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows— was caught up to paradise and heard inexpressible things, things that no one is permitted to tell. I will boast about a man like that, but I will not boast about myself, except about my weaknesses. Even if I should choose to boast, I would not be a fool, because I would be speaking the truth. But I refrain, so no one will think more of me than is warranted by what I do or say, or because of these surpassingly great revelations. Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.


  1. 2 Corinthians 12:11 Or the most eminent apostles

New International Version (NIV)RNS_Logo_Clr_SmallrachelHoly Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.



N.T. Wright on the Apostle Paul’s sudden popularity


Author N.T. Wright, left, and his book “Paul: A Biography.” Images courtesy of HarperCollins

(RNS) — “Paul: A Biography” isn’t the first book Bible scholar N.T. Wright has written about Paul, the apostle responsible for so many of the letters in the New Testament.There’s also “Paul,” “Paul and the Faithfulness of God,” “Paul and his Recent Interpreters,” “The Paul Debate: Critical Questions for Understanding the Apostle,” “What St. Paul Really Said” and a number of Bible study guides for Paul’s letters, just to name a few.

With Paul’s biography, Wright wanted to put people in the world that the apostle’s letters came from, in the same way Robert Harris’ series of novels about Cicero brought the ancient Roman statesman to life for him. Wright talked to Religion News Service about the result — and about Paul’s sudden popularity as the subject of a new film and a number of new books.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

How does reconstructing Paul’s life and background help us better understand his letters in the Bible and early Christianity as a whole?

“Paul: A Biography” by N.T. Wright. Image courtesy of HarperCollins

The more we understand early Christianity as a whole in its historical context, the more we see what it was really all about. The trouble is the historical context is difficult because the first-century Jewish world is very complex, and Paul lives in that world — the world of the Jewish diaspora, but also in Jerusalem. Then you have the world of Greek culture and philosophy, which bounces around ideas and words like “spirit” and so on, which Paul uses, but in a new sense. As well as the Jewish and Greek worlds, you have the world of the Roman Empire. Paul is a Roman citizen, and the worship of Caesar as the new religion is sweeping Paul’s world.

When you get down into it, it’s not only fascinating in itself historically — which, of course, it is — but it makes you realize, “Oh, that’s why he was going on about this. That’s why that point meant what it did.” It does then translate into the contemporary world, but frequently not in the ways that we’ve usually imagined.

You write, “The problem is that Paul is central to any understanding of earliest Christianity, yet Paul was a Jew; for many generations Christians of all kinds have struggled to put this together.” How does that inform our understanding of him?

Paul definitely thinks like a Jew, writes like a Jew, argues like a Jew. He knows Israel’s scriptures extremely well.

We have all sorts of problems here because what we mean by the word Judaism is a religion, and the Greek word from which we get “Judaism” didn’t mean that at all. It was an active noun, meaning the action of propagating the Jewish way of life and trying to force it on people and defend it and maintain it violently if need be. And so when Paul talks about being active in Judaism, he doesn’t just mean he was one of those religious Jews, he means he was out there on the street trying to compel other people to take the practice of their faith more seriously.

That’s just the beginning of it, because the first century in the Jewish world is a very turbulent time. It ends with the war between the Romans and the Jews in 66 to 70, and you can see that building up. We see the texts they are using: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel. We can see how their great sense of a huge, millennia-long story was working, with them on the crest of that wave.

Paul as a Jew is longing for God to do what he has promised to do, perhaps including sending the Messiah, and then everything he comes to believe about Jesus, having been confronted by him on the road to Damascus, has to be understood within that Jewish sense of this is actually what it looked like when God finally did what he promised. It wasn’t what people expected, but it was the overthrow of the principalities and powers themselves, including death. So that’s what you get from putting Paul back in his Jewish world where he belongs.

What is it about Paul that resonates with so many people in this present moment?

I can sort of hazard a guess. Partly, he is one of the great intellectual, cultural, spiritual figures of the whole world — you could argue the Western world, but actually, there are plenty of Christians in the Eastern world, as well, in Korea and China and so on. He ranks up there with Plato or Aristotle, Seneca or Cicero.

Author N.T. Wright. Photo by Ken Sharp via HarperCollins

He also launched his project of founding these little cells of people loyal to Jesus right under Caesar’s nose. It’s an amazing adventure, and it’s backed by this personality — undoubtedly, he was an energetic man. He said what he thought, and he got on with it, and he didn’t mind if he got up people’s noses. He’s the sort of man who would say “boo” to every goose and then say “boo” to all the swans as well, just in case. He told it like it was, he wore his heart on his sleeve, and I think from that point of view, he’s a very human character.

There are some philosophers in the great philosophical tradition who are really very dry. You probably wouldn’t want to make a movie about the life of Immanuel Kant. He went for a walk at the same time every day and then went back and sat down at his desk and wrote the next few pages of very difficult to understand stuff. Paul isn’t like that. He’s out there on the street, and he’s getting into trouble and he’s in and out of jail, and he loves people, and they love him, and then he sometimes annoys them, and then he has to make it up.

It’s a very, very human story, but then, at the same time, I think we in our culture still have a sense that what happened in the beginning of Christianity really matters for who we are in the Western world.

Some people have criticized Paul as to blame for what they see as the church’s misogyny and homophobia because his letters are used to justify some churches’ stances toward the role of women and LGBT people in ministry. Is that fair?

Part of our difficulty here is we expect people like Jesus and Paul and other early Christians to be, as it were, teachers of something that to us counts as morality, and then if they don’t say what we want them to say, then we get cross with them. Of course, that’s not how they saw it.

They saw it as something extraordinary had happened when Jesus of Nazareth was crucified and raised from the dead. The world turned its great corner, and we now have to figure out what the new world looks like and how we have to live in it. For Paul, the great thing there is we are people of new creation. The creation has been renewed. The original purpose of Genesis 1 and 2 is now re-established. Jesus says exactly the same thing in Mark 10 and elsewhere — in fact, all through: This is what the kingdom of God is all about — getting the creation project back on track. When you start to think morally from that point of view, all sorts of things look different.

When it comes to the role of women, what has happened is certain movements within Western culture and within the church within Western culture have seized on one or two lines in Paul, and they have ignored other bits in the New Testament where it’s quite clear women were fellow workers in the gospel. A woman could be an apostle, a woman could be an evangelist, a woman could be all sorts of things.

My crowning example is that in the letter to the Romans, Paul’s greatest work, he gives this letter to a lady called Phoebe, who is a deacon, so that Phoebe, who seems to be an independent businesswoman, can take this letter to Rome, and that probably means she’s the first one to read it out and probably means she’s the first one to interpret it as well. Paul isn’t bothered about that. She’s a trusted co-worker. She can do it. Now if we’d started with Romans 16, all sorts of things would have looked very different.

What do you hope readers will take away from your book?

I hope what they’ll take away is a sense of the extraordinary excitement of living at the beginning of a new world. That’s how it felt for Paul. He was in on the start of a project which was already doing extraordinary things. He saw these little communities spring up which were transcultural, Jew and Greek, slave and free, male and female, living together as family, and that was unheard of in the ancient world.

Of course, it was deeply subversive. It subverts the normal social, cultural rules, and part of the problem we have is we have allowed church to become really rather socially conservative. Even when churches may have more radical politics, the institution itself is an innately conservative institution rather than seeking the genuine radicality of being new-creation people. Paul would say, “Come on, guys, let’s work at this.”

People have often said to me, “If Paul came back today, what would he be most shocked at in today’s church?” And I say, unhesitatingly, our disunity — not just the fact that we’re not united, but the fact that we don’t care. For him, every letter he wrote was about church unity in one way or another. I hope very soon we’ll get back to the Pauline agenda because until the church is united, the powers that be won’t take a blind bit of notice of who we are or what we say. I think that would be one of Paul’s messages to us today.

/pauls-vision-and-his-thorn-i-must-go-on-boasting-although-there-is-nothing-to-be-gained-i-will-go-on-to-visions-and-revelations-from-the-lord/feed/ 0