It’s been about 15 years now since passenger airliners struck the World Trade Center towers on 9/11, and we are still suffering the consequences of that day, though perhaps not in the ways many Americans might believe. The 9/11...
April 29th, 2016 | by
admin Most Americans have never even heard of Barack Obama’s top science advisor. So who is he? His name is John P. Holdren, and he co-authored a book in 1977 in which he advocated mass sterilizations using the food and water supply,...
72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” In Official Government Documents
April 29th, 2016 | by
admin Are you a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner? Are you opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the United Nations or the New World Order? Do you believe in conspiracy theories, do you...
April 27th, 2016 | by
admin In 1984 George Orwell paints a picture of a dark, gray world. People are afraid to say anything contrary to the official party line, and surveillance is universal. Even thinking contrary to the party is a crime, and thoughtcrimes...