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“Michael Den Tandt: Deficits may come back to haunt Liberals”

May 4th, 2016 | by admin
“Michael Den Tandt: Deficits may come back to haunt Liberals”

Well well well, isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black? Michael Den Tandt’s exposé on our newly elected finance minister Bill Monreau is a rather dubious article to say the least when it misses the point entirely and points to ass licking.

Here are some excerpts to get the party rolling along.”They also knew, having helped Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne bag a surprise majority in 2014 on a big-government platform, that deficits were no longer political cyanide. Their innovation – a bit of strategic brilliance, really – was to see that hewing to deficits could actually be a political plus.”

Want some more? “There is no recession in Canada“( he just forgot to check this) this , this and this, “Second, interest rates are at a cyclical nadir, meaning borrowing costs are as low as they’re likely to get.” What? costs are low? Well , let me see that for one minute. Canada has a net debt of , according to the Frazer institute of $1.3 trillion This means just to service the debt, meaning paying interest only per day cost is $150 plus million dollars a day!

That’s right folks. Think of all those millions going to service the debt instead of our beloved selfie Prime Minister and his Finance Minister donating all that money to helping out hard working Canadians. No, Tandt continues even further.”Third, some of the country’s plumbing is genuinely frayed: the Canadian Infrastructure Report Card 2016, co-sponsored by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, holds that 12 per cent of Canada’s municipal infrastructure – which includes roads, bridges, water and sewage treatment plants – is in “poor” or “very poor” condition, with an estimated replacement cost of $141 billion”.

But wait . Let’s get former Prime Minster of Canada and former ace Finance Minister Paul Martin on this.

Give it a break Tandt. Get informed before speaking out of turn.

Richard Paul

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